Monday, February 1, 2010

Callen / Mullen Christmas 2010

Ok so we had a pretty late Callen Christmas this year but it was a blast! We all gathered in Uxbridge this year at Uncle Donny and Aunt Peggy's! We had a good amount of people show up, not as many as years before but that's ok, can't accommodate everyone now can we?

Just to fill everyone in, every Christmas Eve and Christmas morning my family and I are in Greenfield with my Grandpa and Mom's whole side of the family and do presents and such with them. Then Christmas afternoon we head back to Watertownand do Christmas with just the 7 of us. And then sometime shortly after Christmas everyone on my Dad's side of the family gets together to celebrate Christmas and we call it the Callen Christmas. This year it's a little later than usual but I'd rather it be late than not at all!

Here's a few photos from the day!!


Dad's pretty special in his hear muffs!

Aunt Peggy got some JanineCallen originals!

Jeff got a snuggie, then gave it to
Dad cause he's always cold

Shaking all the presents looking
for the right one!

favorite photo of the day.

Uncle Donny was sure to order snow for
us so it looked like Christmas!

Butterscotch the Cat!!

First road trip in the new car!
big cheesy smiles, LOVE IT!

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